Directions USA

Juddmonte USA
3082 Walnut Hill Road
Lexington, KY 40515

Juddmonte Farms is located just south of the city of Lexington, approximately 10 miles from Blue Grass Airport.

  • Exit Bluegrass Airport left onto Man O'War Boulevard, then right onto Route 60/Versailles Road East at the first light. From the Man O'War intersection, proceed to the first exit ramp on your right; turn onto New Circle Road South/East (Highway 4). Go approximately 5 miles to Tates Creek Road South, Exit 18 (3rd exit off New Circle Road). Turn right off the exit ramp; proceed 5 miles South to Delong Road; turn left. Follow Delong Road 1.3 miles; turn right onto Walnut Hill Road. Turn right at the second Juddmonte entrance. The gate is marked Stallions and Office.