Juddmonte USA
3082 Walnut Hill Road
Lexington, KY 40515
Juddmonte Farms is located just south of the city of Lexington, approximately 10 miles from Blue Grass Airport.
Juddmonte USA
3082 Walnut Hill Road
Lexington, KY 40515
Juddmonte Farms is located just south of the city of Lexington, approximately 10 miles from Blue Grass Airport.
Exit Bluegrass Airport left onto Man O'War Boulevard, then right onto Route 60/Versailles Road East at the first light. From the Man O'War intersection, proceed to the first exit ramp on your right; turn onto New Circle Road South/East (Highway 4). Go approximately 5 miles to Tates Creek Road South, Exit 18 (3rd exit off New Circle Road). Turn right off the exit ramp; proceed 5 miles South to Delong Road; turn left. Follow Delong Road 1.3 miles; turn right onto Walnut Hill Road. Turn right at the second Juddmonte entrance. The gate is marked Stallions and Office.
Juddmonte Farms Ltd
Banstead Manor Stud,
Cheveley, Newmarket,
Suffolk CB8 9RD
+44 (0) 1638 731115
Juddmonte Farms Ireland Ltd
Ferrans Stud, Trim Road,
Kilcock, Co Meath,
+353 (1) 6287421
Juddmonte Farms Inc.
3082 Walnut Hill Road,
Lexington, KY 40515,
+1 (859) 272 7629